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3521 - Utrecht

Activité : Internet / commerce electronique
Filiere : Internet et Multimedia

INTK is an ambitious studio based in Utrecht (25 minutes from Amsterdam). We are specialized in developing digital strategies for cultural organisations.

We work with museums, theaters, film houses, castles, libraries, festivals, etc. Some of the cultural organisations we work with are: NEMO Science Museum, Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, Film Theater Hilversum, Loevestein Castle, Library Utrecht, Le Guess Who festival, etc.

Our mission is to change how people relate to culture. We are inspired by the transformation that happened in the sport sector. Forty years ago, very few people sported. Today, many people dedicate several hours a week to sport. We would like to bring a similar change to the cultural sector. Our goal is to encourage people who love culture to engage in cultural activities on a weekly basis. For example, we want to encourage people that love cinema and rock concerts to go every week to the cinema and once a month to a rock concert.



Jaarbeursplein 6
3521 Utrecht

INTK : Aucun offre pour l'instant

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